Bodymind Joy

What if the sky is your only limit?

      Find Health.       Live Joy.

Curious to know how Bodymind Joy can help?


Life stressors challenge the communication pathways throughout your Bodymind. Amazingly, your Bodymind still tries to balance it all for you – even giving signals of pain, anxiety and illness.

Is your discomfort deciding what life is like for you? Are you getting answers?

BodyTalk sessions are safe and complimentary to any treatments you are doing.

BodyTalk sessions are 100% unique to you! Together we find, synchronize, coordinate and re-establish the PRIORITY Bodymind pathways. With BodyTalk, you consciously experience more ease in your Bodymind and more Joy in life.


Deeply reset your Bodymind stress levels! Breathe in your unique Self and connect to your body. 

Rest your busy mind. Find and Live deep relaxation and opportunities for Bodymind balance right now. 

Are headaches, sleep issues, pain, digestive concerns, worry and more keeping you going and going with no pause? Are you ready to step away and break the cycle?

Try Bodymind Joy’s Restorative Yoga! Take a little time now, to easily multiply into so many more Joyful moments when your stress levels are balanced.


Profoundly Simple… Simply Profound! Gracefully, with ease and comfort, you make changes in any area of your life. 

It is your Life and you are the only one living inside your Bodymind. 

Is there something stuck and refusing to move? YOU decide what you want to release. Make space for that which gives you Bodymind Joy! 

Think: pain, health, weight, anxieties and fears, relationships, financials, environment, stress, habits and more. 

2-3 minutes to begin unwinding, shifting and opening the many possibilities.



Body Balancing

Weight & Metabolism

Vaccine Resets

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Current Events

If you choose to book immunization, consider booking 2 days prior to your time, a Pre-vaccine Reset Protocol to ease symptoms and help boost your personal immunity is available as well as a Post vaccine protocol. 

‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as ‘2019 novel coronavirus’ or ‘2019-nCoV.’ The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold.

“Covid Times” are a challenge! HOW to maintain personal, family and work relationships as we navigate this time is just one area we are impacted.

We are all affected including our pets!

Bodymind Joy would like you to know we are committed to this community and offering help. If you, a loved one, a family member, friend, or colleague is struggling, please reach out!

The stress we all have is not always visible. Pro-actively find ways now to minimize this extraneous stress we are living so that your Bodymind can function optimally.

Consider contacting Bodymind Joy to gain knowledge and solutions.

Please know that all Bodymind Joy’s services follow the BC Health guidelines. Appointments can be booked and completed through online formats. Contact us to find out the latest appointment offerings.