Bodymind Joy

Lymph Drainage

The Benefits

  • Natural Detoxification:  (not a forced cleanse/detox which can cause stress on body) leaves us feeling great!
  • Increased Immunity
  • Increased energy

  • Reduction in Swelling

  • Decreased bloating

  • Decrease (Joint) pain

  • Sweat changing smell and colouration

  • Weight loss

  • Sinuses drainage

  • Lung Health

  • Breast, Prostate Health

  • Regulation of bowel movements

  • Regulating Female pelvic issues

  • Improved Cellulite

  • Better thinking, clarity, memory

  • Peace of mind knowing toxins moving out and not into Liver.

AND, honestly,…so much more!

Bodymind Joy Lymph Session

In a relaxed environment, you are invited to enjoy the priority based sequence for your main Lymph areas: Upper body, Axilla/Breast and Lower Body. With special ‘on body’ pressure techniques designed to create interstitial fluid, movement, you can be assured of an effective treatment for stagnant, congested, sluggish, toxic lymph throughout all body areas, and layers of deeper nodes and vessels. With pre and post care instructions, you are prepared and can experience the many benefits for moving the interstitial fluid. 


Invest time up to an hour. 

Book an appointment time which will allow you later on to:


  • have a bath some time the same day as your appointment, 
  • be able to drink a lot of water and 
  • have the ability to do some light exercise. 

Basic Lymph Information

As your blood circulates throughout the body, some blood plasma components naturally leak out at the very small, capillary, cell level.

This fluid( interstitial fluid ) surrounds the local cells, providing the means for useful substances and waste products to be exchanged at the tissue level.

Most fluid re-enters the capillaries directly. The rest of this fluid moves slowly through unorganized pathways and is not reabsorbed by the blood capillaries. Instead, this excess fluid enters into the lymphatic system via the lymphatic capillaries. **

Once absorbed, this fluid in then known as LYMPH. 

**An average human body weighing 65 kg contains approximately 12 litres of interstitial fluid and produces 8–12 litres of lymph each day. 4–8 litres of lymph are reabsorbed by the lymph nodes; the remaining 4 litres is returned to blood circulation via the efferent lymphatic vessels and ducts. This can be elevated several fold while exercising.

The important functions of the lymphatic system are often ignored by average people or healthcare providers; however, they become apparent when something goes wrong within the system.

If the circulation of fluids and lymph were to stop entirely, you would die in a matter of hours!

The once theory based idea that poor circulation of fluids and lymph underlies a host of conditions from cellulite to cancer is growing in evidenced based studies throughout the world.

Sluggish circulation of interstitial fluid can lead to an unhealthy environment around cells like a stagnant pool of water breeds mosquitoes and algae, stagnant interstitial fluid fills up with cellular waste products and toxins. If these are not removed via the lymphatic system, cells will deteriorate, alter their biochemistry, become “sick,” and eventually die. 

So a Healthy Lymphatic System helps remove our gunk, waste, garbage, over-thinking, over-analyzing aspects of our bodymind. 

The “trick” for the Lymphatic System to work well is that it must move, yet it is doing this against gravity and without a pump system. The only way for our body to move lymph is through our breath and the movement of our muscles bringing it back up to our clavicle area close to the heart. Add our ‘modern lifestyle’ hindering our breath and natural motion, and you have a stressed Lymphatic System.

Some more details about a Healthy Lymphatic System: 

-Integral part of the body’s defence mechanism (think immune system and keeping well)

-Prevents circulation of pathogens (observing and dealing with microbes: [viruses, bacteria, toxins, allergies, parasites, fungi] that shouldn’t be in our body)

-Stores and releases lymphocytes to fight infection (healthy balance of your body’s ecosystem)

-Maintains fluid balance in the body (clear, clean, correct levels in your organs, endocrines and body parts supporting heart health, nervous system, hormones -[sleep, digestion, clarity, mood etc] and more!)

-Supports the digestive system by counteracting infection and absorbing fat (cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin/sugar metabolism) 

THANK-YOU for taking time to learn about your LYMPH! 

Please reach out to book Your Lymph session!