Bodymind Joy

Pulse Sessions

What if YOU choose what is in your Life ?

At Bodymind Joy, we are so honoured to offer you two of Jo Dunning’s modalities: The Quick Pulse and the Advanced Quick Pulse ©.

What we love about the processes is the ease and gracefulness with which you can begin to make changes in your life right now.

You decide what items are limiting your life right now and are important for your Bodymind to release. With the energy working to release your trigger(s), you open the possibility for the new to come in to your life while retaining the wisdom, compassion and insights you have gathered from that experience. 

These areas of life that can be pulsed are any aspects like:




-unpleasant or difficult past experiences 

-physical conditions 


-limiting beliefs

-unwanted personality traits

-relationship issues 

-and so many other personal stressors.

Giving you space for more Joy in life. As Jo would say, “Now that’s a good deal!”

People often report feeling more peaceful, relaxed and at ease after a Pulse session. Often one notices changes in your life beginning with feeling lighter and more comfortable in the days that follow. 

As your daily life goes on there is a peace of mind to know that areas of mental, emotional and physical discomfort are being addressed. 

A Quick Pulse Session

The Quick Pulse is an opportunity to be in the driver’s seat and decide what Bodymind aspect you no longer want in your life in order to bring the Joy, peace, contentment, health, abundance, relationship and so much more you would like.

These sessions are done in real time with your practitioner in any comfortable position you would like to be in. 

Prepare your list of 5-7 items.

There is no need to verbalize any of your items or the thoughts you are having with your practitioner. In this way, Quick Pulse is a very private experience. 

Your practitioner will guide you with verbal prompts when it is time to begin thinking about an item on your list and, about 3-5 minutes later, for the appropriate time to stop. 

Sensations may be felt during those moments and vary from “pulsing, vibrations, colours, sounds” to “nothing” and all of this is perfectly fine as the energy focuses in on unraveling the items on your list. 

The first Quick Pulse session is approximately one hour to familiarize yourself with the language and process. Subsequent sessions can be completed faster as this Left brain “need to know” part of you is satisfied.


Advanced Pulse Session

The Advanced Quick Pulse can be done in person or via any live stream platform.

The Advanced Quick Pulse also begins with a list of 5-7 items which you prepare prior to the session and give to your Practitioner. Unlike the Quick Pulse, this list is the starting point for 5-7 Pulses which build on the next one and so on throughout the session; each pulse has a laser precise  focus in its intention. 

You are guiding the session through conversation with your practitioner and with the details you share.

Your practitioner is trained to pinpoint the unique Core Belief Systems you consciously or unconsciously hold.   

You will focus on multiple, specific, Core Beliefs throughout the session. Like Quick Pulse, these are given 3-5 minutes of quiet focus.

Though the Advanced Quick Pulse, blocks you may not even be aware of are addressed with ease, comfort and speed.

If you are looking for very specific, rapid, pain free dispersement of that which is holding you back from more in life, then this is the technique to try!

Joy Found!